
Hey hey hey, guess what? After last week's "Maddening" story, we feel obligated to point out that we're not always whiny LOL. In fact, there have been countless joyful times over the years. Most recently, our entire staff was overjoyed to welcome a sold-out, full house for Easter weekend.

We've of course had several times where our underground lair was wall-to-wall full, but for some reason, last weekend, in an epiphany of sorts, it finally struck us that Hell's Kitchen is back in full force. In between taking care of guests, in the moments we had to catch our breath, several of us just stood there, taking it all in. The lively music on stage. Customers grinning and yakking with each other as they went through our epic Bloody Mary Bar. People saddled up the bars enjoying brunch. Families sitting in "their" booths (our Minnesota Room, with each and every city/township in our state listed, seems to have become a personal favorite for folks who come from various points in Minnesota). And to the 5 people who piled into our PhotoBooth and were laughing their asses off as the camera clicked away, your joyful noise simply made our hearts melt.

Are you tired of us saying "thank you" so frequently? Trust us, those aren't just superflous, empty words. Whenever we say "thank you," we genuinely mean it. Pre-covid, we were grateful for your patronage and awards. Post-covid, we're also in awe that you believed in us enough to venture back through the Gates of Hell. The employee-owners at Hell's Kitchen are deeply grateful for your patronage, now more than ever. And that, perhaps, is the biggest reason we are so incredibly joyful.

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